Make a Card, Send a Card

Be the reason someone smiles today. Make a card, send a card.

I don’t usually make New Years resolutions but I am going to make it my goal this year to send more cards. I have boxes and boxes of cards from class samples and I generally do send cards for holidays and birthdays but what about all those other days during the year? A card just to tell someone that you are thinking about them or “just because” can be sent anytime.

People stay in touch these days through internet, Facebook, Instagram, texting, etc. But there is nothing that compares to getting an actual card in the mail.

  1. It makes a difference. Seriously! This is one of the best and easiest ways of Spreading Joy!
  2. It can be enjoyed over and over again. Many will. Someone dealing with a chronic illness will keep the card close as it is an encouragement!
  3. It will bring YOU joy! Any time we are doing something for someone else, your heart is warmed by it.
  4. An amazing Ministry – You can have a ministry for others – especially to the sick, elderly and even the everyday, ordinary people that just need someone to care.  It’s a great way to minister to those in your world. Contact a nursing home or assisted living facility to see if there is someone who doesn’t get mail and send them cards.
  5. Sending cards is like sending Love and HUGS in the mail!
  6. Sending a card to someone reminds them that they matter, that they are important.
  7. Our mailboxes are so full of bills and junk mail. It’s always exciting to get an actual card.
  8. You can turn a normal day into an extraordinary day with one stamp. Priceless

Have a great day

One Response to “Make a Card, Send a Card”

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  1. Mary Morel says:

    A great reminder. I’m still a big letter/card sender because I love getting them in return

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