Lexington Trip

My daughter, Lynn Ann, and I went to Lexington last week to visit my mother and my son Jeff and his family. For this Florida gal the temps in the 30's and 40's were too cold and was even suppose to snow one day but didn't get quite cold enough. My mother is amazing at 94.

MOM, LA & ME Collage

We got there on Saturday just in time to go watch the UK basketball game with Jeff and my grandson, Anderson, at a local restaurant which was right across the street from the Opera House where my granddaughter, Sofia, was performing that night. My daughter-in-law, Becky, and Sofia were already at the Opera House but came over for a quick hello. Unfortunately, the Wildcats lost the game. After that it was on to the dance performance.

JEFF Collage

Lexington in the Spring is one of my favorites.  Even though there was a cold spell that weekend Spring was in full bloom.  These Bradford pear trees were everywhere.

Bradford pear

There was also forcythia and daffodils blooming but I never could get a picture of them. It was either too cold or too cloudy out. I love forcythia but of course it won't grow in Florida so when I found some artificial sprays on clearance this week I got them and created my own little bit of Spring inside my house with some live tulips and hyacinth plants.

Spring flowers



Wishing you a Blesssed Easter



2 Responses to “Lexington Trip”

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  1. Debi Stonewall says:

    Glad you had a good trip. Your mom does look amazing. I'm sure she was thrilled to see you and Lynn Ann. See you soon!!

  2. Donna says:

    Very nice pictorial of your trip. Thanks for sharing…felt like I was there. You have such a special family.

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