Christmas Card Class Fun

This is a pretty busy time of the year for me with quite a few special card classes. I had two classes using the Shaker Card Kit several weeks ago and this week was my annual Christmas Card Stamp a Stack. I had two classes for this where they made 16 cards, 4 cards each of 4 different designs. I said my house looked like a craft store because my mantle is decorated with fall things and orange lights and I put a out a Christmas refreshment table with all Christmas things. It was festive to say the least.

Christmas card class CollageRuth, Tara, Shirley, Barbara B, Carol, and Barbara W

Christ. cards classCindy, Cathy, and Kim

Christmas Class CollageTangela, Joni, Karri, Donna, Robin, Barbarb C, LaNelle, Margaret and Donna

This is one of the cards we made and also the card I brougt as a swap to the Stampin' Up event I am at in Tampa this weekend.

Navy sleighride


I will post the other cards later this week.
937753-friday-13thYikes, I just realized it is Friday the 13th! I haven't seen any black cats, haven't stepped on any cracks (that I know of), haven't opened an umbrella inside, or broken a mirror or walked under a ladder. But just in case I'll knock on wood.  Hope your day has been a good one.





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