Stamping With Fran

Today I went to demonstrator Fran Sabad's house to a stamping class. I met Fran several years ago at Convention and when we realized she lives in the same neighborhood as my son in Lexington she invited me to come stamp with her. After several invites over a few years I finally was able to make it happen. Fran is an amazing stamper and has a blog you can see here. She has a great stamping space for her classes and an different space where she creates. I have to saay I was a bit envious of all her room.


Fran stamp

Here are two of the four cards we made today. They are right out of the pages of the new catalog. See if you can find them in the catalog.

You've Got thisStamps: You've Got This


Butterfly FransStamps: Georgeous Grunge, Six Sided Sampler

Thanks Fran for a fun morning!



3 Responses to “Stamping With Fran”

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  1. Just beautiful — the cards AND the ladies! So glad you got to do that.

  2. Donna Harold says:

    Wow, yes that is a good set up she has there!  You made beautiful cards and both so talented!


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