Special Cards

One of the reasons I became a Stampin' Up demonstrator is because I have a love affair with cards. Always have. Even before I started stamping and making my own cards I bought a lot of cards. I had a large box with dividers in it for different categories and even for special people in my life. I had another box of them that I kept at work back in the days when I was still working and coworkers would come to me to buy a card when they needed one. Some cards I liked so much I wouldn't even send them. I just wanted to keep them. I still have so many of those cards. And now that I make cards I have even more boxes of cards all categorized. When I get cards from family and friends I often save them. I save all of the handmade cards and many of the other "store bought" cards I get because to me they are just special. When my father passed away I found that he had saved so many of the cards I had given him through the years. I have cards that my parents gave or sent to each other. I am so happy to have them.

This card was from my dad to my mother dated 1940 just a few months before they got married. It's in pretty good shape for being 75 years old.

card from dad

Mom sent this card to Dad when he was in the Navy during WWII. There are several others during that time that were specific to those in the war.

card from mom


Send a card. A card lets someone know you are thinking of them, that you love them,  that they are special.

mail bunny n


6 Responses to “Special Cards”

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  1. What beautiful cards — and how amazing that you have them. You are so right: we should all send more cards. They are memories in the making for the recipient.

    • Beth says:

      Thanks Catherine. I am so glad I have the cards from my parents. My goal this coming year is to send more cards.

  2. Linda says:

    That is a sweet memory, Beth!

  3. Janice Eastes says:

    What a treasure these cards are, Beth! These are irreplaceable, not only in fact, but also in your heart. Thank you sharing these lovely items.

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