Christmas in 3D

I wanted to share some of the things my friends have been making. I recently posted my holiday gum packages and Linda made these two:

santa gumtree gum







The tree on the gum package is a half of a circle folded back and forth to form the tree. Giving a gift card? It would just fit inside the gum package.


Pat made this cute little snowman from a battery operated tea light. By putting the ribbon loop at the top it can hang on the Christmas tree. The hat is a square punched piece of cardstock with the top corners rounded. The brim is part of a punched oval piece of cardstock. There is a scalloped circle backing the snowman which is just barely visible due to the angle of my photo. But you get the idea. The nose was colored using a permanent marker.

snowman tealight


This hot cocoa pouch is made using the envelope liner die. Clever. It was designed by demonstrator Catherine Harwood who is my upline. We made this at one of our monthly demonstrator meetings. You can see her post and instructions on her blog 321stamp.

cocoa pouch

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