My Flower Gardens

I have lived in Florida for 42 years and one of the things I still miss are the flowers that I loved growing up in Iowa. Lilacs, tulips, iris, forsythia, and so many more.  But Florida does have it’s share of beautiful flowers and I have been working on the yard adding more color. I have always had hibiscus but I recently planted plumeria, also known as frangipani (upper right). It’s full of beautiful, sweet smelling clusters of flowers and is used to make leis in Hawaii. The lower left is a crown of thorns. The stems are full of thorns and the  name alludes to the legend that the crown of thorns worn by Christ at the time of his crucifixion was made from the stems of this plant. I have it in 3 different colors and it blooms almost all the time. I don’t really have a green thumb unless I have been stamping so the best thing about these is that they are easy to grow.

flower Collage

We had a great stamp class tonight.  Check back tomorrow and I will post a card we made using one of the new stamp sets.

Thanks for stopping by,


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