A perfect day …

I went to spend the day today with my mom who is 91 years young. She constantly amazes me.  We had a good time doing a little of this and that and just being together.  We had lunch in the dining room of her assisted living home and it was the best meal.  People in KY tend to be good cooks I think.  We had country ham, fried apples, green beans and a biscuit.  The church Sunday School class gave this little bunny to Mom at Easter and she has always loved rabbits.  It’s just the cutest thing and you can see she likes it.Mom

On the 80 mile trip to see her there are the most beautiful red bud trees intermingled with all of the green trees.
Redbud tree

Then it was back to Lexington to my son’s where we had pizza, a little wine, and Finding Nemo on TV.

Have a blessed Sunday


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